We were completely covered in cloud on top, so the pictures aren't as spectacular as they might be... however, I've posted three below to show what it was like! We did the whole lot, including the top, in seven and a half hours - not bad, we thought. At the summit, we gave our shortest performance to date (one piece only) because the cellos were getting a bit wet, and then had lunch, with a spot of champagne to celebrate (thanks Stefan!). We were greeted on the way down with some clearing weather, and spectacular views resulted - meaning we got decent views from all four mountains in the end - quite a result!
Needless to say, we celebrated last night with a pint of Guinness or three over a meal (before James and Jeremy both got thrashed at pool by some local 12-year-old), and slept very soundly! And so, we have a spare day to contemplate future possible endeavours... keep in touch with www.extremecello.com for details as time goes on!
This is not quite the final word on the tour - there will be more pictures and reaction to come, if not later today then by the weekend for sure. But thanks for all your comments, thoughts, suggestions and donations - all very much appreciated!
To clarify the old pool thrashing remarks... don't forget the 7-balling I gave you Jeremy ;)
Technically it was only a 5-balling, I think you'll find... but a thrashing nonetheless!
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