I thought it worth adding this extra blog this morning, though, just to say a few things. First, we're all feeling somewhat refreshed this morning, albeit with a slightly lesser spring in our step than some mornings over the last two weeks. This was due in no small part to the wonderful hospitality of the Lion Inn, where the food was delicious and plentiful, the beer wide-ranging, and the bathrooms actually had baths (hallelujah!).
Second, we discovered last night that we'd been mentioned on radio 2 on Tuesday evening. That's the kind of boost that is very welcome at this stage of the trip!
Third, Jeremy and James played cricket with a cello last night...
Your tracker shows just how extreme you are this morning - Altitude: 0 ft
Speed: 14658 mph
Heading: 0°
Must be the fastest cellos on earth?
Did the cellos win the cricket game?
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